Case For Cases, The: Teaching With Cases - How To Teach Using The Case Method

ISBN: 9789813273344 出版年:2018 页码:107 Philip Zerrillo World Scientific Publishing Company


This book is intended to support faculty in designing and conducting case teaching. The book is a practical 'how to' guide for faculty setting up and delivering a case based class. It can be used by instructors of all levels as it discusses issues such as class culture, teaching pace, grading, board usage etc.


This book is very easy to read, because it’s short and clear. Although it has been in general designed considering subjects related to social sciences such as marketing, law and business, the truth is that the explanations as well as the examples are perfectly accurate for the ones who are interested in applying the case method at university, regardless of the content of their subject. In other words, for people looking for an introduction to this sort of teaching, this book is worth buying.
