Fermented Liquors —— A Treatise on Brewing, Distilling, Rectifying, and Manufacturing of Sugars, Wines, Spirits, and All Known Liquors, Including Cider and Vinegar; Also, Hundreds of Valuable Directions in Medicine, Metallurgy, Pyrotechny, and the Arts in General


ISBN: 9781334334153 出版年:2016 页码:221 Lewis Feuchtwanger Forgotten Books


The author begs to call the attention of his read ers to a number of subjects which have been intro duced in this treatise, and which are altogether 'novel and instructive; such as the new rectifying process, and substances more effectual for the rectify ing tubs; the apparatus for converting whisky into strong vinegar, within twelve hours, at a very trifling cest; the artificial cider, at less than half the usual price; and the manufacture of many swines and other liquors, never before made public. The experience of thirty years' active life in his profession, of a Practical Chemist — his desire to keep pace' with the advancement of science, and to manu facture all the new productions used of late years in medicine and the arts, have given him many advan tages; and he thought it advisable to communicate these stores of information to the public.

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