Gamblers and Gambling

ISBN: E100000034743 出版年:2010 页码: Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 Project Gutenberg


Rita B

this is a very unfunny joke. The author is ridiculous. Don't waste your time reading this idiot's thoughts. How drole.

N. Maiorana

I was looking for a general book on gambling strategies. This book is more of a biblical view of gambling.

B. Armstrong

This is a book about the results of gambling and could be a Gamblers Anonymous text. Henry Ward Beecher was a very renown minister his books always take the high road. I found it to be a good read. David


Anyone expecting an insight into the art of gambling will be disappointed. Use the 'look inside' feature to get the gist of the content (published in 1896). The author was a prominent clergyman, abolitionist and formidable speaker. He was also the brother of Harriet Beecher Stowe. This lecture concerns the pitfalls of gambling that are still relevant in today's society. He does not deny the prevalence of the practice amongst all classes from the refined circles of the government to jailed thieves. 'The judge, the jury and the bar shuffle cards by night and law by day dealing out money and justice alike'. He also admits the excitement driven by staking and winning often driven by 'the habit of fierce stimulants, the jaded appetite of luxury and the satiety of wealth' and has a dig at investors in the stock market as punters. (Bankers are not mentioned!). Gambling, he declares, is one of the powerful elements of our nature. 'It heats every part of the mind like an oven' with profound effects such as: 1) 'It diseases the mind unfitting it for the duties of life'. 2) 'It destroys all domestic habits and affections'. 3) 'It pollutes the heart, or injures society'. 4) 'It is a provocative of thirst. The bottle is almost as needful as the card, ball or dice'. 5) 'It is almost the inevitable cause of dishonesty'. This is not just bible-punching. Some of the examples and scenarios in this short narration will be recognised by most people who have experience in gambling rather than the odd flutter and the enjoyment it may bring (myself included). This is short and to the point and with added bonus of a free kindle download. Worth a look. (this is kindle not paperback review).

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