Tales of the Argonauts

ISBN: E100000002886 出版年:2006 页码: Harte, Bret, 1836-1902 Project Gutenberg


Judi Moore

This is a peculiar volume. I haven't finished it yet. And probably won't, actually. I'm putting up this review because you may find it helpful to know that this volume has nothing whatever to do with Jason and/or the Argonauts. It is a volume of rather mannered American short stories by a writer called Bret Harte. I thought Mr Harte was the editor of a volume of greek myths concerning the Argo. This is not the case. You, gentle reader, being more on the ball than I, probably already know all this. But just in case ...

Gill Moran

I was hoping for Jason and the Argonauts - tales of Ancient Greece. This seems to be a collection of stories about North American settlers. Hmmm

Katrina Andrews

deleted it from my ereader
