Chronicles of the Armstrongs

ISBN: 9781331567387 出版年:2016 页码:426 James Lewis Armstrong Forgotten Books


In compiling this work the writer has had the advan tage of not only visiting the most prominent localities mentioned, but of having lived in them. The main chain of facts in the history is based upon chronicles and records of acknowledged validity, while other sources of information have been fitly used to supple ment and illustrate the narrative. I have endeavored to give the sources of information in almost every instance. It would have been impracticable and unnecessary to have given every record found pertaining to the Arm strongs; those presented are the most important ones, and sufficient to act as landmarks to the descent of this remarkable race. Of this I feel certain, that the early part of every Armstrong's lineage, if he comes rightly by the name, is in this book. The old spelling, occur ring occasionally, was used mostly to preserve the etymology and significance of names which in modern orthography would have become obscure; moreover.

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