Geometries Of Nature, Living Systems And Human Cognition: New Interactions Of Mathematics With Natural Sciences And Humanities

ISBN: 9789812564740 出版年:2005 页码:444 Luciano Boi World Scientific Publishing Company


The collection of papers forming this volume is intended to provide a deeper study of some mathematical and physical subjects which are at the core of recent developments in the natural and living sciences. The book explores some far-reaching interfaces where mathematics, theoretical physics, and natural sciences seem to interact profoundly. The main goal is to show that an accomplished movement of geometrisation has enabled the discovery of a great variety of amazing structures and behaviors in physical reality and in living matter. The diverse group of expert mathematicians, physicists and natural scientists present numerous new results and original ideas, methods and techniques. Both academic and interdisciplinary, the book investigates a number of important connections between mathematics, theoretical physics and natural sciences including biology.

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