The significant differences between the environmental legal systems throughout the European Union, together with a scarcity of national environmental law literature written in English, have until now made it difficult to achieve a ready understanding of environmental law and policy in Europe.This work opens with a practical overview of environmental policy and legal procedures in the European Union, and goes on to examine the environmental system in each of the Member States. The 15 country chapters, uniformly structured for easy reference, are each divided into two parts. The first section, contributed by a leading academic, covers the general environmental legislative and regulatory system of each country. The second is written by a practising environmental lawyer and deals with practical aspects of environmental law relevant to commerce and industry. This section aims to answer questions frequently asked by companies and their advisers, and includes discussion of issues relating to the start up of new companies, change of company activities, mergers and takeovers, environmental licences, environmental impact assessment reports, and enforcement procedures.This book offers a useful insight into the main structures and procedures of environmental law in the European Union, and will be a valuable reference work for company lawyers, corporate managers, researchers and environmental specialists alike.The editor is Director of the Centre for Environmental Law at the University of Amsterdam and a partner at Stibbe Simont Monahan Duhot, Amsterdam.ContentsPrefaceAbout the Authors1. European Environmental Law, Laurens Jan Brinkhorst2. Litigation in Europe, James Flynn3. Austria, Heinz Mayer, Christian Schmelz and Walter Schwartz4. Belgium, Kurt Deketelaere, Michael Faure and Vera van Houtte5. Denmark, Ellen Margrethe Basse and Jens Andersen-M?ller6. Finland, Pekka Vihervuori, Kaj Swanljung and Isabella Riska7. France, Jacqueline Dutheil de la Rochère and Nicolas Vivien8. Germany, Kay Artur Pape and Kerrin Schillhorn9. Greece, George Papadimitriou, Maria Florou and Dimitris J. Zepos10. Ireland, Barbara Maguire and David J. Pearson11. Italy, Franco Gianpietro and Andrea Mazziotti di Celso12. Luxembourg, Roger Nothar13. The Netherlands, Niels S.J. Koeman and Jaap E.M. Polak14. Portugal, Diogo Freitas do Amaral, Pedro Garcia Marques and Teresa Morais Leit?o15. Spain, Ramón Martin Mateo and Carlos de Miguel Perates16. Sweden, Marianne Steneroth Sillén and Rose-Marie Lundstr?m17. United Kingdom, Brian Jones and Jonathan IstedList of AuthorsIndex