Preface Abstract List of Acronyms List of Figures CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION I The Mighty Mekong: A River at Risk II Challenge-Response: The Rationale for a Procedural Perspective III Overview CHAPTER 2 TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: A MULTIDIMENSIONAL DEBATE IN THE MEKONG CONTEXT I Development and Environment: Multifaceted Dilemma II Existing Decision-making Landscapes: Polycentric Governance and Diverse Actors III Difficulties, Aspirations and Directions for Mekong Water Management Reform in a Polycentric Context CHAPTER 3 INFORMATION ACQUISITION AND EXCHANGE ON A REGULAR BASIS I International Water Law and Selected Cases II Status Quo and Prospects in the Mekong Region CHAPTER 4 NOTIFICATION AND CONSULTATION IN GOOD FAITH I Prior Notification and Consultation on Planned Activities II Emergency Notification and Cooperation in its Response CHAPTER 5 ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION I Introduction II Access to Information and Public Participation under International Environmental Law III The Development of Access to Information and Public Participation in the Context of the Mekong Region IV Towards Deliberative Decision-making Processes in the Mekong Region: Regional and Domestic Strategies CHAPTER 6 TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT I Introduction II Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Procedures under the International Law III The Development of Transboundary SEA in the Context of the Mekong Region IV The Development of Transboundary EIA in the Context of the Mekong Region CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I Summary: A Procedural Framework II The Effectiveness of Procedural Mechanisms III Possible Perspectives for Future Research REFERENCES INDEX