This volume is a collection of contemporary clinical, theoretical and scientific contributions in the field of psychoanalysis with children and adolescents. It connects the insights obtained through intensive psychoanalytical encounters with young patients with the results of systematic research. Current aspects of the growing field of child and adolescent psychoanalysis from different clinical, theoretical and research perspectives are presented. Extensive and detailed case studies deal with clinical issues, such as children’s play, early gender development, and the consequences of chronic illness and trauma. Contributions connecting the experience of child analytical therapies with the results of systematic scientific research and theory frame the clinically oriented chapters: psychoanalysis and developmental research, the influence of psychotherapeutic research, and child analysis in the light of empirical research. Psychoanalysts and psychotherapists of adults, adolescents, and children, adult psychiatrists, child and adolescent psychiatrists, and psychologists will find this publication inspiring reading. And it will also convey the psychodynamic dimension of psychopathology and the understanding of the psychoanalytical pro-cess to physicians, pediatricians, developmental researchers, as well as educationalists and teachers.