----- 尤萨阿里安传统版本:文本、翻译与评论
The Euthalian apparatus´ is a corpus of auxiliary texts that summarize Acts and the New Testament Letters. The material is found in a great number of Greek biblical manuscripts. Some sources identify the author as Euthalius, bishop of Sulci´, but almost nothing is known about this figure. Vemund Blomkvist´s study is based on the idea that the biblical text and the apparatus form a system´, and that this system may be studied as a unity. The commentary shows that the different genres of the apparatus offer quite different paraphrases of the apostolic writings: The argumenta present a radicalized interpretation of Paul´s theology, while the chapter titles seem to be closer to the biblical text. Together with Prof. David Hellholm, Blomkvist has published a study on the meta-terminology of the apparatus (Paraenesis as an ancient genre-designation´, 2002), also included in the present volume.