International Society for Rock Mechanics —— List of Members 1980

----- 国际岩石力学学会

ISBN: 9780080275871 出版年:2016 页码:239 Stuart, Sam Pergamon_RM


International Society for Rock Mechanics compiles the list of members of the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) from several nations and dependencies (countries) around the globe. The ISRM is a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and scientific investigation of Rock Mechanics, including related fields such as geology, geophysics, soil mechanics, mining engineering, petroleum engineering, and civil engineering. Each chapter representing a country in this book includes a complete lists of its engineers and geologists that are categorized into three types: National Groups (the group that represents a country); Corresponding Members; Supporting Members; and Ordinary Members. A tally of the total number of members per country is also provided. At the end of this book, the statutes of ISRM, which was approved by the Council of ISRM on September 26, 1978, are discussed and expounded in three different languages 芒鈧?English, French, and German. These statutes are implemented by by-laws approved by the council.

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