Rock Mechanics In Underground Construction - Proceedings Of The 4th Asian And International Rock Mechanics Symposium 2006 (With Cd-rom)

ISBN: 9789812704375 出版年:2006 页码:527 Chun Fai Leung Yingxin Zhou World Scientific Publishing Company


This proceedings volume contains over 300 papers on rock mechanics and engineering with contributors from all over Asia and many other parts of the world. Seven keynote papers summarize the state-of-the-art in rock engineering including topics such as underground rock caverns. The technical papers cover a wide range of rock mechanics and engineering topics: rock tunnels, caverns, mining, rock slopes and dams, rock blasting, rock burst and failure, rock properties, rock mass, rock joints, and block theory. Numerous valuable rock engineering case studies are also reported.This volume should serve as a useful reference for the engineers and researchers in rock mechanics and rock engineering.

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