ISBN: 9780857027535 出版年:2012 页码:568 SAGE Publications Ltd
Comprehensive coverage of coaching and mentoring in educational settings from a range of international contributors.
Blech. This book is so laden with unnecessary prose and full of fluff that you'd swear the contributors were paid by the word. Have fun finding that 1% of enlightenment potentially hidden amidst the 99% of stating the obvious. Let me give an sample from a chapter I just read. Chapter 6 Title "Operationalizing Phases of Mentoring Relationships" (grabbed you already, didn't it?!). - taken from the section on the separation phase (i.e. end of the mentoring relationship) "In the separation phase, the needs of the proteÌgeÌ or the mentoring party have changed [Duh!] Just as the proteÌgeÌâs independence increases, the mentorâs efforts decrease." So basically it goes on for numerous paragraphs finding ways to elaborate on the simple fact that the mentoring ended. Hungry for more? I got you. Here's a gem from the next section about what happens after the mentoring has ended: "ProteÌgeÌs who have offset followership maximize their identity development through such means as testing out new ideas beyond the scope of what they have been taught. For example, we know a graduate (now a full professor) whose doctoral preparation by a well-known scholarâmentor in cultural minority language acquisition became the basis of her identity as global peace activist researching schools struggling for survival within war zones. Self-actualizing proteÌgeÌs have also branched out from the primary mentoring relationship through relational work with support networks, professional memberships, and productive peers (Mullen and Tuten, 2010). Of course, augmented ways of learning are even more valuable if initiated earlier, during the cultivation phase. Some academic employers are dismissive of proteÌgeÌs who overly identify with their mentors. ProteÌgeÌs of this type may excessively quote their mentors, only know their body of work, or lack a vision of their own. Strings that are tight signal dependency and even infantilization in extreme situations." Wow. Followership, self-actualizing, identity development, infantilization and more in one paragraph! This reads like a psychiatric manual. In sum, this book exists because publishers and academics are financially, if not literally, in bed with each other and decided to churn out another piece of @@@@ to sell to education students who, in turn, are paying in to the universities for advanced degrees so that they can get more $alary from their school district. Just a cyclone of cash whirling around in academia. Excuse the sarcasm. I obviously can't write what I actually think of this book in my degree program so if you made it this far, thank you for hearing me out.
Blech. This book is so laden with unnecessary prose and full of fluff that you'd swear the contributors were paid by the word. Have fun finding that 1% of enlightenment potentially hidden amidst the 99% of stating the obvious. Let me give an sample from a chapter I just read. Chapter 6 Title "Operationalizing Phases of Mentoring Relationships" (grabbed you already, didn't it?!). - taken from the section on the separation phase (i.e. end of the mentoring relationship) "In the separation phase, the needs of the protégé or the mentoring party have changed [Duh!] Just as the protégé’s independence increases, the mentor’s efforts decrease." So basically it goes on for numerous paragraphs finding ways to elaborate on the simple fact that the mentoring ended. Hungry for more? I got you. Here's a gem from the next section about what happens after the mentoring has ended: "Protégés who have offset followership maximize their identity development through such means as testing out new ideas beyond the scope of what they have been taught. For example, we know a graduate (now a full professor) whose doctoral preparation by a well-known scholar–mentor in cultural minority language acquisition became the basis of her identity as global peace activist researching schools struggling for survival within war zones. Self-actualizing protégés have also branched out from the primary mentoring relationship through relational work with support networks, professional memberships, and productive peers (Mullen and Tuten, 2010). Of course, augmented ways of learning are even more valuable if initiated earlier, during the cultivation phase. Some academic employers are dismissive of protégés who overly identify with their mentors. Protégés of this type may excessively quote their mentors, only know their body of work, or lack a vision of their own. Strings that are tight signal dependency and even infantilization in extreme situations." Wow. Followership, self-actualizing, identity development, infantilization and more in one paragraph! This reads like a psychiatric manual. In sum, this book exists because publishers and academics are financially, if not literally, in bed with each other and decided to churn out another piece of @@@@ to sell to education students who, in turn, are paying in to the universities for advanced degrees so that they can get more $alary from their school district. Just a cyclone of cash whirling around in academia. Excuse the sarcasm. I obviously can't write what I actually think of this book in my degree program so if you made it this far, thank you for hearing me out.
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