Getting on Better with Teenagers

ISBN: 9781441159236 出版年:2011 页码:177 Gererd Dixie Bloomsbury Publishing


With clear guidance and advice from the viewpoint of a seasoned teacher and trainer, Getting on Better with Teenagers explains how building a better rapport with your class can support students' academic, social and personal development, as well as improving behaviour issues. This practical guide contains end-of-chapter summaries and suggestion boxes, so you can try out the techniques straight away. Forming relationships based on trust and mutual respect is imperative, so there is a chapter dedicated to making these work. There is also a chapter on improving your relationships with the more challenging students in your classes. Whether you are a student doing your first placement or a practitioner with several years experience under your belt, this book provides tried-and-tested ideas and techniques designed to cultivate better relationshiyour pupito improving learning.

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