The Trend of the Teens

ISBN: 9781330090954 出版年:2016 页码:294 M V O'shea Forgotten Books


The author has not allowed himself to forget at any time that this book is designed for prac titioners who are every hour face to face with childhood and youth in the concrete, and who are training their children in some way whether right or wrong. He has undertaken the difficult task of applying science to practice without leading the practitioner over the technical ground upon which the practice is based. It would have been a sim pler matter to have dwelt principally in the realm of theory and only occasionally to have made practical application of scientific principles. This is one of a series of four volumes pre pared for the Parent's Library. These volumes supplement one another and are published simul taneously. The title of each indicates that, it deals with particular phases of the training of childhood and youth but it has been written with relation to the others in the series. The titles of the four volumes are: First Steps in Child Training; Faults of Childhood and Youth; The Trend of the Teens; Every-day Problems in Child Training.

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