Clinical Decision Making —— Case Studies For The Occupational Therapy Assistant

----- 临床决策:职业治疗助理的案例研究

ISBN: 9781435425767 出版年:2010 页码:274 Jennifer L Theis Cengage


CLINICAL DECISION MAKING: CASE STUDIES FOR THE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT is a first of its kind text designed to help students, entry-level practitioners and professors work on fostering clinical reasoning skills in the provision of occupational therapy assistant services. The case studies in this book incorporate the most common practice settings across the continuum of care and follow clients as they progress across this continuum. Organized broadly around the current Occupational Therapy Practice Framework of the American Occupational Therapy Association, each case contains examples of how this framework can be applied to a particular client. The case studies in this book are meant to provoke discussion among your students about treatment planning, ethical issues and collaboration with the client, family and other healthcare providers.

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