Part I. Free Trade: 1. The Enlightenment and defining free trade 2. The revolutionary experience 3. The new diplomacy 4. Legacy Part II. Sailors' Rights: 5. Anglo-American traditions 6. The rise of Jack Tar 7. Impressment 8. Citizenship 9. The Hermione and the rights of man Part III. Origins: 10. Empire of liberty 11. Indians in the way 12. Contested commerce 13. The ordeal of Jack Tar 14. Honor Part IV. War: 15. The odyssey of the Essex 16. The language of combat 17. Politics of war 18. Pursuit of peace 19. Dartmoor Part V. Memory: 20. Winning the peace 21. Remembering impressment 22. The persistent dream 23. Politics 24. Popular culture 25. Conclusion.