Introduction: Preston M. Sprinkle (Cedarville, USA) Paul and the Pauline Letter Collection: Stanley Porter (McMaster Divinity College, Canada) Paul and Ignatius: Carl Smith (Cedarville University, USA) Paul and the Letter of Polycarp: Michael Holmes (Bethel University, USA) Paul and the Epistle of Diognetus: Michael F. Bird (Highland Theological College, UK) Paul and Marcion: Todd Wilson (George W. Truett Seminary, USA) Paul and Justin Martyr: Paul Foster (Edinburgh University, UK) Paul and Valentinian Interpretation: Nick Perrin (wheaton College, USA) Paul and Judeo-Christians: Joel Willitts (North Park University, USA) Paul and the Apocryphal Acts: Andrew Gregory (Oxford University, UK) Paul and Irenaeus: Ben Blackwell (Durham University, UK) Paul and Tertullian: Andrew Bain (Queensland Theological College, Australia) Paul and Women: Pauline Hogan (Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Canada) The Triumph of Paul or Paulinism in the Second Century?: Mark Elliott (St. Andrews University, UK).