Introduction to the Science of Medical Imaging

ISBN: 9780521747622 出版年:2009 页码:336 R Nick Bryan Cambridge University Press


Revolutionary advances in imaging technology that provide high resolution, 3-D, non-invasive imaging of biological subjects have made biomedical imaging an essential tool in clinical medicine and biomedical research. Key technological advances include MRI, positron emission tomography (PET) and multidetector X-ray CT scanners. Common to all contemporary imaging modalities is the creation of digital data and pictures. The evolution from analog to digital image data is driving the rapidly expanding field of digital image analysis. Scientists from numerous disciplines now require in-depth knowledge of these complex imaging modalities. Introduction to the Science of Medical Imaging presents scientific imaging principles, introduces the major biomedical imaging modalities, reviews the basics of human and computer image analysis and provides examples of major clinical and research applications. Written by one of the world's most innovative and highly respected neuroradiologists, Introduction to the Science of Medical Imaging is a landmark text on image acquisition and interpretation.

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