GC / MS —— A Practical User's Guide

----- GC-MS气相色谱-质谱:实际应用指南

ISBN: 9780470101636 出版年:2011 页码:194 Marvin C McMaster Wiley


Updated and expanded, the classic guide to GC/MS helps chromatographers quickly learn to use this technique for analyzing and identifying compounds. After explaining the fundamentals, it discusses optimizing, tuning, using, and maintaining GC/MS equipment; explores advances in miniaturized and field-portable GC/MS systems and microfluidic components; and more. Complete with a CD-ROM, it covers applications in the environmental laboratory and in forensics, toxicology, and space science. This is the premier resource for professionals in those fields and for students.

Spencer Little

Excellent starting guide to GC-MS. Essential is any chemists library.


For a book that has been through a number of revisions over several years one would expect accuracy, credibility and efficacy. Sadly this book fails on every count. It starts by listing the masses of simple molecules incorrectly (O2 = 34) and continues with poorly drawn diagrams and overly wordy explanation. I can find little up to date in this 'new' release, it really is just a poor rehash of dated material. As an experienced mass spectrometrist I hoped this book word serve as a nice introduction to the field of GC/MS for new staff. Sadly it was received by new colleagues as dated and with little credibility. Save yourself $60 and try Wikipedia instead.


Great users guide. The book covers from basic principles to advanced troubleshooting of the GC/MS instrument. Contains very useful cd with PPT presentation.

Peter Behrend

Hier hat Herr McMaster den Bogen für einen Analytiker wohl etwas zu weit gespannt - für einen Profi sind etliche Textpassagen einfach eher Worthülsen . Aber die beiliegende CD - super gemacht !

Peter Behrend

Hier hat Herr McMaster den Bogen für einen Analytiker wohl etwas zu weit gespannt - für einen Profi sind etliche Textpassagen einfach eher Worthülsen . Aber die beiliegende CD - super gemacht !
