The Life and Writings of Philip, Late Duke of Wharton

ISBN: 9781334321450 出版年:2016 页码:379 Philip Wharton Forgotten Books


Life, for the Sake of producing a regular, uniform Cha rafter: This is not to be expedited from the Charaéter of the Duke of Wharton; tho', if what he has told fome of his Friends, be true, a great deal of the Calumny, with which he has been loaded, might be wiped away, and his Memory lighten'd of fome Part of the odious Burthen which now, in the Opinion of mofi: People, depreffes it: But to do this, I ihould be obliged to fiir up the Aibes of a deceas'd Miniftcr, and unfold a Secret Hii'rory, which the Times, I doubt, will not very well bear: I chufe therefore, to let this Part of his Conduit reft, till it fhall difcover itfelf upon fome more important Occafron.

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