The death of a beloved parent and uncle, had but little effect on my hard heart. Though these afflic tions moved my passions, they did not lead me to the Fountain of consolation. But God, who is rich in mercy, did not leave me here. He had prepared my heart to receive his grace; and he glorified the riches of his mercy, by carrying on the work'. I was providentiall y invited to visit a friend in New buryport. I complied with the invitation. The evening previous to my return home, I heard the Rev. Mr. Mac F. It was the 28th of June, 1809. How did the truths, which he delivered, sink deep into my inmost soul! My past transgressions rose like great mountains before me. The most poig nant anguish seized my mind; my carnal security fled; and I felt myself a guilty transgressor, naked before a holy God. Mr. B. Returned with me the next day to Haverhill. Never, no never,.while memory retains her seat in my breast,shall I forget the affectionate manner in which he addressed me. His conversation had the desired effect. I then made the solemn resolution, as I trust, in the strength of Jesus, that I would make a sincere de dication of my all to my Creator, both for time and eternity. This resolution produced a calm serenity and composure, to which I had long been a stranger. How lovely the way of salvation then appeared Oh, how lovely was the character of the Saviour! The duty of professing publicly on which side I was, now was impressed on my mind. I came forward, and offered myself to the church, was accepted, re ceived into communion, and commemorated, for the first time, the dying love of the blessed Jesus, August 61h, 1809. This was a precious season long to be remembered! Oh, the depths of sovereign grace! Eternity will be too short to celebrate the perfections of God.