History of the Philadelphia Brigade —— Sixty-Ninth, Seventy-First, Seventy-Second, and One Hundred and Sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers


ISBN: 9781333929602 出版年:2016 页码:316 Charles H Banes Forgotten Books


IN the preparation of this History, the author has had access to official documents, as well as journals and reports in the possession of members of the Brigade. In order to more fully illustrate the operations of the command, brief accounts of army movements have been introduced. For much of this general information, the writer is indebted to Swinton's Army of the Potomac, the Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, and unpublished reports on file in the War De partment, which he has been permitted to examine. He has attempted to give a connected history of the com mand from its formation until its regiments were mus tered out, and in doing so he has endeavored to confine his work to a simple narrative of its toils and conflicts, without any flattery of regiments or officers, and without any attempt at criticising the operations of the army.

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