The Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania at Shiloh —— History of the Regiment; The Battle of Shiloh


ISBN: 9781330346495 出版年:2016 页码:463 Pennsylvania Shiloh Battlefield Commission Forgotten Books


As a whole, we flatter ourselves, that, we have, all circumstances considered, here produced a volume, which, we trust, will meet with the approval of all its readers; and one, that will be a permanent addition to the History of the old Keystone State in the great war between the States.To the members of the Shiloh National Military Talk Commission, Colonels Cadle and Patterson. Majors Ashcraft and Reed, Captain Irwin and Mr. Atwell Thompson, Engineer in charge of the Park, his efficient assistant, Mr. W. S. Keller, and such other members of the Staff whom we have met while on our visits of duty to Shiloh, we feel very much indebted for their very kindly and valuable assistance and for the many courtesies shown us while with them. We do here desire to express our most sincere thanks and high appreciation, with the assurance that the very pleasant and agreeable friendships thus formed, will ever be cherished as some of the brightest spots in memory until we shall all have been called from this to a better world.

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