Why the Editor of the Works of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke excluded from such a collection his admirable Account of the European Settlements in America, we pretend not to know. Of this excellent book, we are certain, however, that Edmund Burke was the real Author. Yet, we cannot, perhaps, assign our proofs of this fact, in stronger terms, than has been already done, by the able writer of The Documents, for the Opinion, that Hugh Macauley Boyd wrote Junius's letters:We had now commenced, says he, our war with France about American boundaries. Every tongue talked, in 1756, about our American rights; and every pen scribbled about our checks by land, and our successes by sea. While curiosity was awake, and inquiry was active, Edmund Burke produced, in April 1757, An Account of the European Settlements in America. He was paid for the copyright of this historical account, which was received with an universal welcome, fifty guineas.