----- 亚里士多德的修辞学
Nothing is left untouched, on which Rhetoric, in all its branches, has any ag. 77m author's prinajrles are the result qf extensive mginal induction. He sought them, if ever man did seeh them, in the living fattern qf the human heart. A ll the recesses and windings qf that hidden region he has explored all its tapriees and afietions, — roha fever tends to excite, to rnfle, to amuse, to gratify, or to ofind it, -have been ea refnlly examined. The reason of these phenomena is demonstrated, the method if erea ting them is explained. The whole is a text-hooh of human feeling a storehouse of taste an exemplar of condensed and accurate, but nnfi'ormly elear and candid reasoning.