Membrane vesicle (3; 25%)
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Membrane vesicle
ISBN:9780120164400,出版年:1996,中图分类号:R1 被引 2次

Vitamin Metabolism: M.H. Green and J.B. Green, Quantitative and Conceptual Contributions of Mathematical Modeling to Current Views on Vitamin A Metabolism, Biochemistry, and Nutrition. J.A. Novotny, L.A. Zech, H.C. Furr, S.R. Dieker, and A.J. Clifford, Mathematical Modeling in Nutrition: Constructing a Physiologic Compartmental Model of the Dynamics of Beta-Carotene Metabolism. J.E. Swanson, K.J. Goodman, R.S. Parker, and Y.-y. Wang, Experimental Approaches to the Study of Beta-Carotene Metabolism: Potential of a 13C Tracer Approach to Modeling Beta-Carotene Kinetics in Humans. J.F. Gregory, III, and K.C. Scott, Modeling of Folate Metabolism. B.-F. Lin, J.-S. Kim, J.-C. Hsu, C. Osborne, K.Lowe, T. Garrow, and B. Shane, Molecular Biology in Nutrition Research: Modeling of Folate Metabolism. S.P. Coburn, Modeling Vitamin B6 Metabolism. Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism: R.J. Beynon, C. Bartram, A. Flannery, R.P. Evershed,P. Hopkins, V. Toescu, J. Phoenix, and R.H.T. Edwards, Interrelationships between Metabolism of Glycogen Phosphorylase and Pyridoxal Phosphate: Implications in McArdle's Disease. D. Hanes, L. Zech, J. Murrell, and M.D. Benson, Metabolism of Normal and Met30 Transthyretin. M.J. Gahl, T.D. Crenshaw, N.J. Benevenga, and M.D. Finke, Use of a Four Parameter Logistic Equation and Parameter Sharing to Evaluate Animal Responses to Graded Levels of Nitrogen or Amino Acids. Energy Metabolism: W.W. Wong, Total Energy Expenditure of Free-Living Humans Can Be Estimated with the Doubly Labeled Water Method. Methods for Obtaining Kinetic Data: E.M. Janle and P.T. Kissinger, Microdialysis and Ultrafiltration. P. Proulx, Membrane Vesicles. J.D. Turner, A. Delaquis, and C. Malo, Culture of Mammary Tissue: Glucose Transport Processes. Simulating Complex Metabolic Processes: L.P. Mercer and D.S. Kelley, Analysis of Bioperiodicity in Physiological Responses. A.R. Shultz, Nutrient-Response: A"Top Down"Approach to Metabolic Control. R.B. King, Modeling Membrane Transport. Computational Aspects of Modeling: W.F. Beltz, Estimation and Use of Kinetic Parameter Distribution in Metabolism and Nutrition. R.C. Boston, T. McNabb, P.C. Greif, and L.A. Zech, Essential Numerical Supports for Kinetic Modeling Software: Linear Integrators. J.A. Jacquez, Indentifiability. S.I. Sayegh, Dynamic Systems and Neural Networks: Modeling in Physiology and Medicine. H. Zhang and Z. Zhang, Graph Theoretical Methods for Physiologically Based Modeling. Chapter References. Index

ISBN:9781420093261,出版年:2016,中图分类号:R-33 被引 16次

Section I: Introduction Bioethics and Animal Care, Lucas R. M. Brun and Veronica Di Loreto Control of Stress and Distress, Maria F. Landoni Management of Pain in Laboratory Animals, Maria F Landoni Anesthesia and Analgesia, Veronica E. Di Loreto, Alfredo Rigalli, and Lucas F. de Candia Euthanasia, Alfredo Rigalli Antibiotics, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Section II: General Procedures Operating Theatre, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Rat Identification, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Antisepsis, Sterilization, and Asepsis, Diego Holotte,- Jesica Nipoti, Maria Julia Pretini, and Veronica Di Loreto Suture, Aneley Traverso and Alfredo Rigalli Substances Administration, Maela Lupo, Veronica Di Loreto, and Alfredo Rigalli Samples, Veronica Di Loreto, Laura Pera, and Alfredo Rigalli Section III: Catheterism and Cannulation Catheterism of the Femoral Artery and Vein, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Cardiac Catheterization, Cristina Lorenzo Carrion, Laura Krieger, Manuel Rodriguez, and Martin Donato Cannulation of the Thoracic Duct, Gabriel A. Inchauspe and Alfredo Rigalli Tracheostomy, Laura L. Pera and Alfredo Rigalli Section IV: Gastrointestinal Tract In Situ Isolation of the Stomach, Alfredo Rigalli In Situ Isolation of the Intestinal Loop, Maria L. Brance, Lucas R.M. Brun, and Alfredo Rigalli Intestinal Everted, Lucas R. M. Brun, Maria L. Brance, Lucas F. de Candia, and Alfredo Rigalli In Situ Perfusion of the Small Intestine, Alfredo Rigalli Section V: Pancreas Experimental Models for the Study of Diabetes, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Islets of Langerhans Isolation, Alfredo Rigalli Incubation of Pancreatic Tissue Slices, Ines Menoyo and Alfredo Rigalli In Situ Perfusion of The Pancreas, Ines Menoyo and Alfredo Rigalli Experimental Pancreatitis, Diego Holotte, Jesica Nipoti, Maria J. Pretini, Veronica Di Loreto, and Alfredo Rigalli Section VI: Liver Hepatic Circulation Impairment, Gabriel A. Inchauspe and Alfredo Rigalli Extrahepatic Cholestasis Model, Anabel Brandoni and Adriana M. Torres Section VII: Ablation of Endocrine Glands Adrenalectomy, Laura Pera and Alfredo Rigalli Ovariectomy, Veronica Di Loreto, Laura Pera, and Alfredo Rigalli Thyroparathyroidectomy, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Parathyroid Glands, Maela Lupo and Alfredo Rigalli Section VIII: Kidneys Measurement Techniques of Renal Parameters, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Kidney Isolation and Perfusion, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Acute Renal Failure Models, Gisela Di Giusto and Adriana M. Torres Renal Blood Flow Measurement, Gisela Di Giusto, Adriana M. Torres, and Alfredo Rigalli Transport Studies in Plasma Membrane Vesicles Isolated from Renal Cortex, Gisela Di Giusto and Adriana M. Torres Remnant Kidney Model, Maria V. Arcidiacono, L. A. Ramirez, V. Dalmau, and Alfredo Rigalli Section IX: Circulatory System Experimental Myocardial Infarction, Ignacio Seropian and German E. Gonzalez Experimental Arteriosclerosis, Anabel Brandoni and Adriana M. Torres Isolated Heart: Langendorff Technique, Bruno Buchholz, Veronica D'Annunzio, and Ricardo J. Gelpi Section X: Additional Techniques Polyclonal Antibodies Preparation, Laura I. Pera, Lucas R. M. Brun, and Alfredo Rigalli Histological Procedures, Maria L. Brance and Lucas R. M. Brun Bones and Bone Tissue, Hilda Moreno, Mercedes Lombarte, and Veronica Di Loreto Section XI: Miscellaneous Equipment, Alfredo Rigalli Solutions Preparation, Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Normal Values In Iim/Fm Rat Subline "M", Veronica Di Loreto and Alfredo Rigalli Abbreviations


GPI Membrane Anchors reviews major advances in our understanding of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchors. The book examines the GPI structure and its originality as an anchoring device, its ubiquitous distribution, the main steps of its biosynthetic pathway, and the elegant means by which a protein signals for GPI attachment. It also presents evidence for the uniqueness of GPI as a tag in intracellular traffic and as a mediator of transmembrane signaling. This volume is organized into 20 chapters and begins with a discussion of the structural requirements of a nascent protein for processing to a PI-G anchored form, with emphasis on experiments on intact cells and cell-free systems. It then turns to the mechanisms underlying signal transduction by GPI-anchored membrane proteins, the LY-6 superfamily of GPI-anchored molecules, and glycosylated-phosphatidylinositols as virulence factors in Leishmania. The reader is also introduced to the molecular biology of GPI-anchored border hydrolases, the role of GPIs and their inositolglycan derivatives in the mediation of insulin and growth factor function, and biosynthesis and cellular localization of GPI-modified glycoproteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An account of electrospray mass spectrometry of a C-terminal peptide purified from the scrapie isoform of the scrapie prion protein is also given. The book concludes with a chapter on GPI-anchored recognition molecules that function in axonal fasciculation, growth, and guidance in the nervous system. This book is a valuable resource for students and researchers in the fields of cell biology and biochemistry.

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