

ISBN: E100000046859 出版年:2014 页码: Saltus, Edgar, 1855-1921 Project Gutenberg


Richard Gordon

Regarding the dubbing issue on the Lions Gate release and any surprise over it... Well, what can really be expected from a version of this otherwise excellent Balzac biopic that so prominently has displayed on its cover artwork (both front and back) the Eiffel Tower - as if the image of the Eiffel Tower is somehow needed to validate any genuine French/Parisian provenance - notwithstanding that Balzac (1799-1850) died 37 years before construction of the Eiffel Tower even began... ;-) ;-)

Cliente Amazon

Gli attori sono una garanzia specialmente per chi ama Depardieu, la storia è interessante (una fedele biografia di Balzac che privilegia l'aspetto umano e privato), e se si pensa che dura più di cinque ore è un'ottima spesa visto il prezzo molto basso. Una miniserie simile al "Conte di Montecristo" che è estremamente piacevole poter guardare in un intero pomeriggio. Spedizione, assistenza e professionalità Amazon come sempre insuperabili.

James Field

This is a great movie, but there is no French audio and the dubbing is terrible, especially the actor who dubbed Depardieu, a man with a wonderful voice. Spend the extra movie and buy the Fox Lorber version in the origninal French. I'd give that a 5 star rating. Wonderful biographical movie of Balzac. The French are good at these sorts of things. The acting is first rate.


Ein super Historienfilm über den französischen Schriftsteller Honoré de Balzac, toll gespielt von Gérard Depardieu. Sehr empfehlenswert!


un bon téléfilm assez bien réalisé avec un Depardieu qui habite le rôle. Peut être un peu trop grandiloquent, un peu excessif dans les sentiments. Balzac vouait il à ce point un amour fou à sa comtesse polonaise (Fanny Ardant), et une telle haine à sa mère (Jeanne Moreau) ? Par contre sa course contre la montre, contre le temps, sa boulimie d'écriture due souvent à son besoin d'argent est très bien représentée. J'ai une préférence pour la 1ère partie mieux construite, la 2ème aurait méritée plus de développements, sans doute une 3ème partie et çà déséquilibre un peu l'ensemble, voilà pourquoi je ne peux noter ce téléfilm à 5 étoiles. Mais Depardieu est un grand acteur, Jeanne Moreau et Fanny Ardant sont excellentes aussi.


I did not realize the Dubbing of the voices. I was so excited to hear Depardieu and when I heard this other voice I thought at first it was being told from a different person for a moment. Then when I never heard Depardieu in this whole movie it ruin it for me. The movie sets and film was great but the voice dubbing was terrible. I was so disappointed. I do not recommend buying this version. Should it come out with the actual voices of the actors then I will buy it.

Isabella Balkert

I unfortunately got this substitute for the real thing. I did not have the imagination to even think that you would make Jeanne Moreay, Depardieu og Fanny Ardant speak english and ruin the whole film in the process. Whoever made that stupid decision should be kicked in the bud for a week, because not only have this person undone most of the nerve in the film, the fact that you can get this version, has made the original version almost impossible to get. If one cannot bear listening to French, and the saw dusted tounge of Jeanne Moreau, which is so much the very essence of Balzac's mother - One should not attemt to even see Balzac. Let us have the choise of the real thing and burn this copy in Hell.

Dr. David A. Himes

An interesting telling of the life of a 19th century French author who is not all that well known outside literary circles. It is well acted with beautiful costumes and scenery. A major flaw in this Lionsgate presentation is the fact that the film is badly dubbed in English with no French soundtrack. It would have been far better in the original French with English subtitles (which are available as an option in this print). The original intent may have been a dual soundtrack. They really dropped the ball on this one.

a son caring for his elderly parents

I am very sorry that I failed to understand that this film has been dubbed. I find it impossible to watch. (Or rather, I might watch it with the sound turned off; visually it is not disappointing.) I suspect that the voice which is matched to Depardieu/Balzac belongs to a man at least ten years (or more?) younger than D/B, and it grates--like fingernails on the blackboard. Whoever the voice belongs to, I find it impossible to believe that he is either French, or a European, or a writer. The other voices are equally unimpressive. I am told that the Czechs have a great tradition of actors who dub. Apparently no such tradition exists in the United States. (I see now that a previous reviewer had complained about the dubbing--once again, I can only say that this purchase was made too hastily.)


great biopic!

Viviana Fernandez

Despite the fact that the movie is dubbed in English, I enjoyed it very much. Great acting and a very absorbing story. I recommend it.

K. Leonard

It's dubbed - and not very skillfully either. Yuck. I couldn't watch it, so I can't complain otherwise.

G. H. Price

A very good introduction to Balzac and his work. The DVD is well presented and the top contemporary scholars of Balzac are interviewed. Highly recommended.
