Alden's Handy Atlas of the World

ISBN: E100000038457 出版年:2011 页码: John Berry Project Gutenberg



Not a usable atlas. I was hoping for an atlas that I could access easily when I read books about real places. Paid nothing and that is about what I got. There is no table of contents in the edition I got - I cannot navigate anywhere I want to go.


No maps, but lots of late 19th century facts of the world: political names, types of governments, agricultural & manufacturing data, census numbers, religions, monarchies, railroads & more.

Jim M.

Well, you get what you pay for I guess. This is a most unusual world atlas: it does not seem to have any maps at all in it. The index is interesting too: I could not find a single instance where the place you were sent actually matched what you thought you had clicked. Odd to say, but I think this one is overpriced even when "free".

Elizabeth B. Stiff

I downloaded this Atlas onto my Kindle Paperwhite. It opened in the middle of the book; I "go to" beginning. It froze my Paperwhite. I could not go anywhere. I pushed the off button, waited 5 min., and turnned it back on. It would not open. This went on for three times. I then plugged the Paperwhite into the charger and left on all night. The next morning it opened. I deleted the Atlas.


A great deal of useful information about countries.Great resource for reports, research, etc.When it was formatted for Kindle the maps did not reproduce. Maybe it should be retitled.


it has no maps usally when you see atlas you think maps but it has no maps so im very disapponted i wouleved liked a warning that it has no maps thats why i wish that i got on the computer and accually downloded it here but noo i had to get on the kindle and downloded it

Stephanie L. Ritchey

This book does not contain any maps! Why can't Amazon offer expired copyright maps for free? If Google can do it, so can Amazon. Would you like historical maps and do not have the money to pay for them? I have found free historical maps on Google Play. When you do a search for books, look for the geographical area and date you are interested in and Google usually has old atlases with expired copyright dates for free. Their maps do reproduce and they have a large selection. Some books have better image quality than others, so don't get discouraged if your first books are low quality, keep looking until you find what you need. When you are cash poor you have to work harder for your resources.

Charles W. Alexander

It's kind of hard to say a freebie isn't worth it. If it cost anything, it would get fewer stars.
