An History of Birmingham (1783)

ISBN: E100000013926 出版年:2004 页码: Hutton, William, 1723-1815 Project Gutenberg


Dale A. McIntier

I received this kindle book from Amazon for free. I learnt so much about the past history of the city where I was born and spent most of my life. I think it is a great insight into the life of Birmingham, and am glad I downloaded it to my kindle.


to many list of names no insight to the characthers

John Hutton

I was privileged some years ago to read a 2nd edition (1790) of this book. I suspect that the OCR software presumably used to digitise the book could not always distinguish between the 18th century long "s" and the lower case "f", for example, and is confused by the 17th century practice of using s ligature or tie between some pairs of letters - e.g."c" and "t". For example, occasionally "Aston" is printed as "Afton" and "duct" as "dust". Otherwise I am very pleased with the book. (I should say that, as far as I know, I am in no way related to the historian William Hutton)

Poetry Lover

This book is of real interest to anyone who knows and loves Birmingham. However, it is written in the language of the period and can be a hard slog at times. Useful information can be gleaned from the pages so worth a punt if it's your thing...

susan brown

I am using this book for research as well as for interest. It makes a fascinating read.

Ms. J. A. Russell

Hutton started out to write his history and based it on the information available to him in his day. It soon sort of petered out into an account of the Birmingham in his day. However as that was over two hundred years ago it's good source material for us.

Mr. K. Shaw

A interesting look at the history of Birmingham answered many questions
