The Life of Captain James Cook, the Circumnavigator

ISBN: E100000010842 出版年:2004 页码: Kitson, Arthur, 1848-1915 Project Gutenberg


Dr. Elkhatib

Interesting and pleasant to read. Has some interesting info into the deep for those who like that type of knowledge. I do. It was fun and enlightening.

William Bilyeu

This is an interesting biography of Captain James Cook. It was written shortly after his death. The only complaint is I have the same book under a slightly different title. Fortunately they were both free.


Greatly entertained. Really brings the man to life,

Cesar A. Mora

Very interested although sometimes a little boring, but then, that is how the travelers' feeling should have been. There are many biographies on the subject but this one reveals some many interesting details on the live an adventures of Captain James Cook, a revered name everywhere. Regarding style, please remember that we are dealing with a 1912 author and his imperial times.

Cedric Wilson

Factual but rather archaic spelling of island names made it hard to locate specific islands today

Stephen imms

Very well assemblage of the details of Captain Cook, easy and carefully presented. A good first book for anyone interested in 18th century exploration

William Keck

It is impressive that the author found so much detail about events that occurred so long ago. This book gave me a different picture of this man than what I remember from history in school. The Hawaiian's have a lot to be proud of.

Martin Copello

Very interesting. Geographically and historically, Good reading.


