ISBN: E100000004003 出版年:2003 页码: Shaw, Bernard, 1856-1950 Project Gutenberg
Bernard Shaw, drawing from Aesop's Fables: The Lion and the Mouse and The Shepherd and the Lion presents the reader with this play. Androcles comes upon a lion wounded with a thorn in his paw. Later when the Romans throw Androcles to the lions to be eaten alive, the lion turns out to be the lion who he aided with the thorn removal. I especially liked Bernard Shaw's afterword in which he enumerates on the various religions, and elaborates on the myriad types of Christians, ranging from the wayward to the free thinkers to the devout Christians. Anyone interested in religion will find a wealth of information here.
The book contains the play and a very shortened preface which is fine for scholars, as is the picture on the front cover. I missed the lengthy and very thought provoking preface which older and longer versions usually have. For the price however, it is good value.
I loved the small tale of Androcles and the Lion, in school. And this play on the same story, by GBS, was irresistible. As usual the fun is in the dialogues, and in this case, the story is probably of minimal interest. This edition does not have the preface by GBS, which is in a way good for those interested in plays, but for those interested in GBS, that is a drawback.
Good story, and equally good quality paper.
Classic story rewritten with just enough text and interesting pictures to keep my child amused and interested through the 46 pages. Loved the book.
I only purchased this book as a collectors item. It is the only book of which I am aware to be printed using the Shavian alphabet and type font. George Bernard Shaw had an interest in rationalizing the English language such that each letter or letter combination would be pronounced in the same way every time it is used. This required the invention of a new 40-character alphabet with each letter sounded only one way. Shaw's will and trust made provision for the printing of this book.
This bernard Shaw play was quite controversial in its day. Nobility and members of the clergy would often walk out or ban its performance.
Shaw has written a modern parable. He brings the Wizard of Oz out from beyond the curtain to reveal the truth of the situation.
I like it
Really great play, tons of good stuff in there for acting class and exercises. Definitely recommend reading it out loud in a table read or cold read setting to maximize the effect.
There was a time when I was fascinated by Bernard Shaw, but now he seems less formidable. The plot is all too predictable and it looks more like advertisement of Christianity
It's cute but it doesn't really seem to be one of Shaw's better efforts.
Shaw on religion - he handles the subject with tact and knowledge
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