The Mirror and Nine Other Short Stories

ISBN: 9789956791552 出版年:2014 页码:226 Nkwentie, Susan Nde Langaa RPCIG


When a young girlis dreams are cracked like a mirror and children are caught between two fathers harbouring teenage grudges we wonder at lifeis surprises. These are short stories that present a cross section of an African society presenting life in the village, life in town, portraits of teenagers and adults we encounter every day. These are stories about our struggles with the inevitable forces of life, providing some subtle and interesting insights to these struggles. They have been told by a woman who has, in these stories, proven to be a keen observer who mentally records the thrills, frustrations and idiosyncrasies of the people she encounters. We would wonder, laugh and sympathise with the characters she has so vividly recreated.

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