Atlas Of Complicated Abdominal Emergencies: Tips On Laparoscopic And Open Surgery, Therapeutic Endoscopy And Interventional Radiology (With Dvd-rom)

ISBN: 9789814412148 出版年:2014 页码:243 Ti Thiow Kong World Scientific Publishing Company


This book is novel in that it is a single volume offering useful practical tips in the performance of the broad range of procedures used by gastroenterologists, interventional radiologists and surgeons in the current management of complicated abdominal emergencies and traumatic injuries. Emphasis is placed on practical tips which could be life-saving.The contributors are experienced staff members from the National University Hospital, Singapore. Through a step-by-step narrative and an abundance of medical illustrations, the contributors impart to the reader how best to perform and overcome difficulties encountered in the management of complicated abdominal emergencies. Learning is enhanced by video clips of procedures recorded live, in the DVD-ROM that accompanies the book.

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