Self And The Phenomenon Of Life: A Biologist Examines Life From Molecules To Humanity

ISBN: 9789813203778 出版年:2017 页码:385 Lim Ramon World Scientific Publishing Company


The book describes a common ground between the biology of life and the humanity of life without compromising either discipline. It attempts to bridge the gap between our 'two cultures' — the sciences and the humanities, as advocated by C P Snow fifty years ago. This book connects our meager existence to the entire living world and the universe, physically and spiritually, through the simple perspective of 'self,' being defined as a system that seeks its own perpetuation.


Dr. Lim has obviously spent a lifetime thinking about life. He shifts through multiple perspectives to create a complete work of art, complex yet simple. I greatly enjoyed reading his book and thinking about the many questions raised. And the conclusion? I would suggest reading the book and seeing what the final creation reveals.

Karen earle

This was a thought provoking book that raised a lot of interesting points. The author did a great job bridging the gap between science and philosophy through the innovative concept of the self.


Dr. Lim has obviously spent a lifetime thinking about life. He shifts through multiple perspectives to create a complete work of art, complex yet simple. I greatly enjoyed reading his book and thinking about the many questions raised. And the conclusion? I would suggest reading the book and seeing what the final creation reveals.
