Foundations Of Quantum Mechanics In The Light Of New Technology: Isqm-tokyo '05 - Proceedings Of The 8th International Symposium

ISBN: 9789812568588 出版年:2006 页码:337 Sachio Ishioka Kazuo Fujikawa World Scientific Publishing Company


The goal of the 8th International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in the Light of New Technology was to link recent advances in technology with fundamental problems and issues in quantum mechanics with an emphasis on quantum coherence, decoherence, and geometrical phase.The papers collected in this volume cover a wide range of quantum physics, including quantum information and entanglement, quantum computing, quantum-dot systems, the anomalous Hall effect and the spin-Hall effect, spin related phenomena, superconductivity in nano-systems, precise measurements, and fundamental problems. The volume serves both as an excellent reference for experts and a useful introduction for newcomers to the field of quantum coherence and decoherence.

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