----- 世界基督教:争议的要求
Introduction: Frans WIJSEN Philip JENKINS: Christianity moves South Werner USTORF: Global Christianity, New Empire, and Old Europe Ben KNIGHTON: Christian Enculturation in the Two-Thirds World Sebastian KIM: The Future Shape of Christianity from an Asian perspective Frans VERSTRAELEN: Jenkins' The Next Christendom and Europe John CHESWORTH: Challenges to the Next Christendom: Islam in Africa Karel STEENBRINK: Realistic Perspectives for the Christian Diaspora of Asia Joop VERNOOIJ: Religion in the Caribbean: Creation by Creolisation Henri GOOREN: Pentecostal Conversion Careers in Latin America Marta FREDERIKS: Theologies of Anowa's Daughters: An African women's discourse Gemma CRUZ-CHIA: Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong Epilogue: Robert SCHREITER Contributors Index of names