----- 一个赞比亚,许多历史:面向后殖民赞比亚历史
This book takes an impartial look at the postcolonial history of Zambia, examining political unity and dissent, the public role of religion (Roman Catholicism, the Charismatic churches, and Islam), the economy and the State, and new and old forms of politics in the Third Republic. It is the outcome of a conference organized by the network for Historical Research in Zambia, in Lusaka August 2005. There are contributions by Jan-Bart Gewald, Marja Hinfelaar, Giacomo Macola, David M. Gordon, Andrew J. DeRoche, Miles Larmer, Austin M. Cheyeka, Felix J. Phiri, Hugh Macmillan, Karen Tranberg Hansen, Friday E. Mulenga, Bizeck. J. Phiri, and Jeremy Gold. [ASC Leiden abstract]