Preaching, Sermon and Cultural Change in the Long Eighteenth Century

ISBN: 9789004171558 出版年:2008 页码:419 Brill


Outline: Preacher, Sermon and Audience in the Long Eighteenth Century: From Bossuet to Schleiermacher (1680-1815) general approach: interdenominational + transnational Pt. I: Introduction 1 The eighteenth-century sermon as a medium of communication [approach general context: sermon as public 'infotainment', relations with sociability, press & other media] Pt. II: Manifestations 2 Sources & Historiography [manuschripts, collections, bibliographies, l8th-C historical surveys of pulpit oratory] 3 Sermons & Daily Life [sermon as ritual publics & audiences effects, social control, relations with political figures (magistrates, nobles, princes)] Pt. III: Aspirations 4 The Preacher [self-image, charisma Whitefield, Bossuet, Abraham a Sancta Clara, Tillotson women preachers] 5 Prescriptive Literature [homiletic guidelines Rollin, Fenelon, Mosheim, Maury reference works, Postillen, praedicabilia, indices concionatorii, emblematic lexicons, encyclopaedias, thesauruses, anthologies of metaphors, parables, antitheses, histories] 6 Theology of the Sermon [Baroque, Pietist, Enlightened methods (approach to bible, use of allegory & typology) analytic & synthetic (thematic) sermons roman catholicism, calvinism, lutheranism, pietism, wolffianism fear & consolation] Pt.IV Traditions 7 Confessional Genres [Standepredigt, puritan sermon, 'letter sermon', prayer-day sermon (jeremiad), festive sermons, Heiligenpredigt, funeral sermon, emblematic sermon, concetto sermon, gerundianismo, court sermon] 8 Oral Traditions [story telling, use of fables, examples, folk tales, accounts of supematural beings (witches, devils, angles), farces on social ranks and domestic relationships (generally an ethnological approach)] 9 The Sermon and non-European peoples [colonies, New World missions] Pt. V: Transformations 10 The 'Classical' Sermon [French court sermon (Bourdaloue, Massillon, Bossuet) English neoclassical 'plain style' sermon (Tillotson)] 11 Pietism & Revivalism [German, Scandinavian, Anglo-American (Methodism), Catholic (Jansenism) evangelical sermon sentimental sermon] 12 Enlightenment, Revolution & Reform [Neology (Spalding) political sermons & nature sermons]

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