Dispute avoidance isnotgenerally on the mind ofbusinessesand their in-house legal counseluntila disputehits. Thisbookdeals with theprevention ofdisputes and their settlement through two specific methods: Dispute Boards and Expert Determination. These two methodsareoften used by the international business community to reduce the riskof being involved in long and complex factual disputes.Thirteen international experts share theirknowledge and their experience on theimpactof applicable law, contract law issues, proceduralissuesand the relationship between Expert Determination or Dispute Boards on the one hand and litigation and arbitration on the other.Specific topics dealt within thebook include the challenges of Expert Determination in M&A transactions, Expert Determination by Accounting firms including real-life examplesas wellas the 2015ICC DisputeBoard Rules, the settlement ofdisputes including under the FIDIC formsof contract and recent case law on DisputeBoards.