As in previous years this Yearbook treats current developments in international commercial arbitration:? recent changes in arbitration legislation? newly enacted arbitration rules application of the UNCITRAL Model Law arbitral awards (ensured confidentiality)? relevant court decisions of a general nature? the New York Arbitration Convention of 1958 in addition to the Washington and European Conventions The Yearbook, which is compiled with the assistance of a worldwide network of correspondents, contains in its 19th volume a broad selection of arbitral awards, including awards issued under the auspices of ICSID, ICC, and the Iran-US Claims Tribunal.A topic which has received special attention in this year's Yearbook is the issue of corruption or `facilitating payments'. This volume of the Yearbook also features a Consolidated Commentary on the 1958 New York Convention by Prof. Albert Jan van den Berg, reviewing the court decisions published in the Yearbook in the period 1992–1994.Subscribers to the Yearbook receive the yearly update on developments and decisions in the sphere of commercial arbitration automatically.