The Uruguay Round overhauled the basic rules and establishments of world trade and created a new institution, the World Trade Organization (WTO), to manage it. This dramatic reshaping of the multilateral trading system will influence world economic growth and social and economic developments in every country well into the next century.Successfully completed in December 1993 after more than seven years of debate, the Round represents one of the longest, most complex, and arguably most ambitious economic negotiations ever undertaken. It has resulted in nearly 30 legal agreements, a large number of supplementary decisions, and separate undertakings in which each country specifies levels of trade restriction which it promises not to exceed for thousands of different products and services.Guide to the Uruguay Agreements is the only official and comprehensive WTO explanation of the Uruguay Round treaties. It helps readers to navigate the complexities of well over 20,000 pages of decisions, agreements, and schedules arising out of the negotiations. Features of this work include* a straightforward explanation of each agreement with cross-references to the provisions of the legal text and associated decisions, including those made since April 1994, when the agreements were signed;* concise introductory notes explaining each agreement's purpose and providing sufficient background to contextualize the agreement; and* the WTO Secretariat's own analysis of the significance and likely impact of the commitments in the goods and services schedules.Where other works on the subject have limited themselves to a very narrow viewpoint or an overly-broad description, this book offers a uniquely complete, yet precise treatment of the Round results.The agreements embodied in the Uruguay Round texts will directly impact upon business enterprises, governments, and individual citizens. The Guide to the Uruguay Agreements succeeds in making this highly significant event in international law and economics easier to understand and proves an invaluable resource for international lawyers, governments, academics, economists, and international companies.