The Reform of the International Financial Architecture

ISBN: 9789041198020 出版年:2000 页码:400 Kluwer Law International


Preface. The Future of Global Financial Regulation and Supervision W.P. Cooke. Foreword. The Interconnection of Trade and Monetary Organizations J.H. Jackson. Part I: Introduction. 1. Pondering the Parameters of the `New International Financial Architecture': A Legal Perspective J.J. Norton. 2. The Legal Architecture of Emerging Markets J.W. Salacuse. 3. The Bretton Woods Institutions in the 21st Century R.M. Lastra. Part II: The International Institutional Framework. 4. The Reform of the International Monetary Fund: Conditionality and Surveillance F. Gianviti. 5. An International Financial Regulator? H. Evans. 6. A New International Architecture and the Financial Stability Forum G. Walker. 7. Regulatory Aspects: Globalisation, Harmonisation, Legal Transplants and Law Reform L.A. Mistelis. 8. Stock Markets and the Globalization of Retirement Savings: Implications of Privatization of Government Pensions for Securities Regulators R.S. Karmel. Part III: Liquidity Crises: Public and Private Sector Involvement. 9. Liquidity Crises T.C. Baxter, J.H. Sommer. 10. A Lawyer's Perspective on the New Financial Architecture L.C. Buchheit. 11. Promoting Stability in International Finance: Legislative and Regulatory Reform of Payment and Settlement Systems B. Geva. 12. Ten Years of Economic Reforms in Russia: Windows in a Wall C. Lang, S. Weber. Part IV: Regional Responses. 13. European Financial Regulation P. Clarotti. 14. The ESCB and its Role in Banking Supervision A. Sainz de Vicuna. 15. Implementation of International Standards: The EBRD's Approach to Strengthening Good Corporate Governance N. Seiler. Index.

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