----- 英语克里奥尔语中的问题:1975年夏威夷会议的论文
1. Acknowledgments, piii 2. Introduction (by Day, Richard R.), pvii 3. Creolization, Linguistic Universals, Natural Semantax and the Brain (by Bickerton, Derek), p1 4. The Adequacy of Certain Theories in Accounting for Important Grammatical Relationship in a Creole Language (by Roberts, Peter A.), p19 5. On the Notion of Decreolization and St. Kitts Creole Personal Pronouns (by Cooper, Vincent O.), p39 6. The Creole Situation in the Context of Sociolinguistic Studies (by Winford, Donald), p51 7. How Does Doz Disappear? (by Rickford, John R.), p77 8. From Preposistion to Complementizer in Caribbean English Creole (by Washabaugh, William), p97 9. A Creole English Continuum and the Theory of Grammar (by Craig, Dennis R.), p111 10. Bahamian English - A Non-Continuum? (by Shilling, Alison Watt), p133 11. Sufficiency Conditions for a Prior Creolization of Black English (by Berdan, Robert), p147 12. Lexicalization in Black English (by Pfaff, Carol W.), p163 13. Appendix, p181 14. List of Papers Presented