1. Contributors 2. Abbreviations 3. Preface 4. Acknowledgements 5. Part I. The facts 6. Developmental schedules (by Pienemann, Manfred) 7. Learner variation (by Pienemann, Manfred) 8. Part II. The theory 9. The psycholinguistic basis of PT (by Pienemann, Manfred) 10. Explaining developmental schedules (by Pienemann, Manfred) 11. Explaining learner variation (by Liebner, Mathias) 12. L1 transfer (by Pienemann, Manfred) 13. Research methodology: How do we know about developmental schedules? (by Kessler, Jorg-U.) 14. Part III. Applying PT to other contexts 15. Japanese as a second language: A test case for the typological plausibility of PT (by Kawaguchi, Satomi) 16. Pidgins and creoles (by Plag, Ingo) 17. Bilingual first language acquisition (by Itani-Adams, Yuki) 18. Part IV. Practical applications 19. Diagnosing L2 development: Rapid Profile (by Kessler, Jorg-U.) 20. Teaching (by Kessler, Jorg-U.) 21. References 22. Appendices 23. Name index 24. Subject index