1. List of contributors 2. Specialized languages: Corpora, meta-analyses and applications (by Bhatia, Vijay) 3. Section one. Research based on corpora 4. The historical shift of scientific academic prose in English towards less explicit styles of expression: Writing without Verbs (by Biber, Douglas) 5. Heteroglossic (dis)engagement and the construal of the ideal readership: Dialogic spaces in academic texts (by Perez-Llantada Auria, Carmen) 6. Structure, content and functions of calls for conference abstracts (by Gesuato, Sara) 7. Summarizing findings: An all-pervasive move in open access biomedical research articles involves rephrasing strategies (by Jaime-Siso, Mercedes) 8. The use of adverbial hedges in EAP students' oral performance: A cross-language analysis (by Perez-Paredes, Pascual) 9. Integrating approaches to visual data commentary: An exploratory case study (by Sancho, Carmen) 10. Section two. Research based on meta-analysis and applications in LSP 11. Some dichotomies in genre analysis for Languages for Specific Purposes (by Flowerdew, John) 12. English for legal purposes and domain-specific cultural awareness: The 'continental paradox', definition, causes and evolution (by Isani, Shaeda) 13. The Talking Cure: From Narrative to Academic Argument (by Lazar, Gillian Diane) 14. UrgentiAS, a lexical database for medical students in clinical placements: Architecture, use and evaluation (by Buyse, Kris) 15. Using natural language patterns for the development of ontologies (by Montiel-Ponsoda, Elena) 16. Notes on contributors 17. Index