1. The ABC of Computational Pragmatics (by Bunt, Harry) 2. An activity-based approach to pragmatics (by Allwood, Jens) 3. Dialogue pragmatics and context specification (by Bunt, Harry) 4. Pragmatics in language understanding and cognitively motivated architectures (by Sabah, Gerard) 5. Dialogue analysis using layered protocols (by Taylor, M. Martin) 6. Coherence and structure in text and discourse (by Redeker, Gisela) 7. Discourse focus tracking (by Carter, David) 8. Speech act theory and epistemic planning (by Ramsay, Allan) 9. Context and form: declarative or interrogative, that is the question (by Beun, Robbert-Jan) 10. The doxastic-epistemic force of declarative utterances (by Thijsse, Elias C.G.) 11. A conceptual modelling approach to the implementation of beliefs and intentions (by Meyer, Ralph) 12. Abduction and induction: a real distinction? (by Neal, Philip) 13. Laconic discourses and total eclipses: abduction in DICE (by Oberlander, Jon) 14. Abductive reasoning with knowledge bases for context modelling (by Guessoum, Ahmed) 15. Abductive speech act recognition, corporate agents, and the COSMA system (by Hinkelman, Elizabeth) 16. List of contributors 17. Index