New Directions in Grammaticalization Research.


1. Preface: Meillet and grammaticalisation (by Joseph, John E.) 2. Introduction (by Smith, Andrew D.M.) 3. The grammaticalization of headshakes: From head movement to negative head (by Pfau, Roland) 4. The Swedish connective sa att 'so that': From subordinator to discourse marker (by Rawoens, Gudrun) 5. The lexicalization-grammaticalization-pragmaticalization interface: The case of Mainland Scandinavian jeg tror (by Beijering, Karin) 6. Epistemic/evidential markers of the type verb + complementizer: Some parallels from English and Romance (by Lopez-Couso, Maria Jose) 7. The Neg-Raising Phenomenon as a product of grammaticalization (by Moriya, Tetsuharu) 8. Periphery of utterances and (inter)subjectification in Modern Japanese: A case study of competing causal conjunctions and connective particles (by Higashiizumi, Yuko) 9. Left vs. right periphery in grammaticalization: The case of anyway (by Haselow, Alexander) 10. The diachrony of subjective amenazar 'threaten': On Latin-induced grammaticalization in Spanish (by Cornillie, Bert) 11. Contact-induced grammaticalization in older texts: The Medieval Greek analytic comparatives (by Markopoulos, Theodore) 12. Complexity in gradience: The serial verb take in Nigerian Pidgin (by Mazzoli, Maria) 13. Grammaticalisation as paradigmatisation (by Norgard-Sorensen, Jens) 14. Subject Index 15. Language Index 16. Author Index

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