----- 大学的麻烦事:健康护理专业人员如何变得腐败
Acknowledgments 1. The Corruption of Higher Education Encountering Corruption Justifying a Label Existing Explanations of Corruption Outline of the Book 2. Sickness in the Midst of Health The Origins of UMDNJ UMDNJ Corrupted An Unhealthy Example 3. Educational Conditions and Environments Higher Education Medical Education The Role of the State Anticipated Impact Explaining Organizational Corruption 4. UMDNJ's Core Organization Core Actors Relations within the Core Vulnerability within the Core 5. UMDNJ's Network Organization The Network Defined New Jersey Government State Oversight Agencies Status-Conferring Agents Community-Based Actors Vulnerability in the Network Organizational Vulnerability 6. Reorganization and Breakup McGreevey's Plan Christie's Plan Death and Afterlife 7. How the Education of Health Care Professionals Became Corrupted Explaining How UMDNJ Became a 'School for Scandal' UMDNJ as an Exemplar of Global Corruption Assigning Blame Lessons from UMDNJ References Index