Interventional Radiology Casebook —— A Teaching Atlas

----- 介入放射学案例

ISBN: 9786138921776 出版年:2020 页码:608 Rodney Florek Scholars' Press


A carefully selected series of instructional cases with discussions and major teaching points, developed over many years of guest lectures, abstract and poster presentations and personal teaching file cases. Covers a broad spectrum of interesting and informative topics. Updated to reflect the current literature, over half of the references cited are 2014-2020. This book originated as a series of volunteer lectures given to the upper-level (3rd and 4th year) residents in training , who began coming to our outlying private hospital for one month rotations after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans(in 2005). Everyone has ‘neat cases’ to show, but these were selected to be informative and challenging, gathered over the years and illuminating the wide field of interventional expertise. After some of the lectures, several of the residents suggested that I should ‘write-up’ the lectures in book form.

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